Author Playlists

Caroline Leavitt’s playlist for her novel “Days of Wonder”

“I always have to have music as I write, but it has to be a particular kind of soundtrack, one that I love, that energizes or moves me, and one that I know my characters would love as well.”

Author Playlists

Uche Okonkwo’s playlist for her story collection “A Kind of Madness”

“The stories in this collection came together in the space of over a decade—during which I had lived on three continents and my music tastes had changed somewhat…”

Author Playlists

Jeff Alessandrelli’s playlist for his novel “And Yet”

“And Yet is a book about shyness and selfhood and sex and stability and identity and selfhood. It’s also a book about unoriginality, as the nameless protagonist mostly exists in books and magazines and albums.”

Author Playlists

Jorrell Watkins’s playlist for his poetry collection “PlayHouse”

“My debut poetry collection, PlayHouse: Poems, positions music as a dwelling that people, from Billie Holiday to members of my family, can inhabit and shape.”

Author Playlists

Christine Ma’s playlist for her novel “The Band”

“No literary homage to Kpop would be complete without the OG of Kpop songs, and ‘Gangnam Style’ will forever occupy that seat with swagger, style, and an irrepressible beat.”

Author Playlists

Danielle Dutton’s playlist for her collection “Prairie, Dresses, Art, Other”

“Because I don’t listen to music when I write, it’s hard to think of a playlist of songs that might make sense with this book. Instead I offer an assortment of sound pieces that seem to me to be thinking about spaces and their noises the way I was sometimes thinking about the spaces in/of this book . . .”

Author Playlists

Victor Lodato’s playlist for his novel “Honey”

“When I’m working on a novel, the rhythm of the sentences is essential to me.  It’s not about music for music’s sake, but rather a way of tapping into the movement of a particular mind, a particular way of being.”

Author Playlists

Amina Gautier’s playlist for her story collection “The Best That You Can Do”

“The Best That You Can Do is my love letter to Generation X— to those of us who grew up with latchkeys and had to make do till our parents and guardians came home…”

Author Playlists

John Patrick Higgins’s playlist for his book “Teeth”

“I’ve written a book about teeth. My teeth. Their decline and fall and costly rebirth.”

Author Playlists

Aug Stone’s playlist for his book “Sporting Moustaches”

“For years now, I’ve said that when I finally settle down and find somewhere I want to live, the first thing I’m going to do is buy a nice hi-fi system, procure Walter Wegmüller’s 1973 double Krautrock LP Tarot, and just spend an afternoon in a comfortable chair in front of the speakers.”