Author Playlists

Kate Axelrod’s playlist for her story collection “How to Get Along Without Me”

“So much of the book is about longing for intimacy and, while I hope I did a sufficient job articulating that sense of yearning, music can be so powerful and offer another dimension that writing can’t always do on its own.”

Author Playlists

Ashley Honeysett’s playlist for her novel “Fictions”

“Mood music can fill you with yearning, which is a great state of mind to write from.”

Author Playlists

Pallavi Sharma Dixit’s playlist for her novel “Edison”

“My novel is a love letter to the Indian immigrant community in Edison, New Jersey (where I grew up) but it’s also an ode to Hindi movies (what the world has come to know as ‘Bollywood’).”

Author Playlists

Katherine Cross’s playlist for her essay collection “Log Off”

“Log Off is a pearl necklace of essays that will, hopefully give you the strength to do as the title urges. Its subtitle, Why Posting and Politics (Almost) Never Mix, gets at the reasons I wrote the book.”

Author Playlists

Regina McBride’s playlist for her novel “Stranger From Across the Sea”

“This is a story about passionate friendship and about the thin curtain between the living and the dead.”

Author Playlists

Rob Hart’s playlist for his novel “Assassins Anonymous”

“I wanted this to be fast, fun, and thoughtful… but also really push the pedal to the floor in terms of action. So a lot of the songs I chose were high-energy, to drive those sequences…”

Author Playlists

Willie Davis’s playlist for his story collection “I Can Outdance Jesus”

“I thought of each of these stories as cuts from an album—I wanted them to have complimentary rhythms and stitch together to make something larger than the individual stories.”

Author Playlists

Sally Wen Mao’s playlist for her story collection “Ninetails”

“I hope the following songs encapsulate the sense of power, wonder, and dreamwork that the fox spirit has inspired in me as I wrote Ninetails”

Author Playlists

Elizabeth Stix’s playlist for her story collection “Things I Want Back From You”

“…music plays a big role in my writing. It helps me enter into the world of the book and get excited about it. It’s a way of connecting to the characters on a different plane.”

Author Playlists

Karen Jennings’ playlist for her novel “Crooked Seeds”

“Each book that I write has its own emotions, its own rhythms, requiring its own playlist.”