
Shorties (An Excerpt from Anna Metcalfe’s New Novel, New Music from KC Rae, and more)

Daily book & music news & links

Literary Hub shared an excerpt from Anna Metcalfe’s novel Chrysalis.

Stream a new song by KC Rae (Now Now’s KC Dalager).

eBooks on sale for $1.99 today:

The Invisible Kingdom by Meghan O’Rourke
Skull Water by Heinz Insu Fenkl
The Untouchable by John Banville

eBooks on sale for $2.99 today:

I Can Cook Vegan by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
The Reckoning by David Halberstam

eBook on sale for $3.99 today:

World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil

eBooks on sale for $4.99 today:

The Brave New World Collection: Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley

Today’s eBook deals

April’s best eBook deals

April’s eBook deals

Stream a new Public Image Ltd. song.

Jeanette Walls discussed her new novel with Shondaland.

The Creative Independent interviewed Liturgy’s Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix.

I really enjoy taking themes or motifs that I’ve been working with and then slowing them down, or putting them on a different instrument, or playing them backwards, or something like that—just performing these operations and then reinserting the piece somewhere else.

Alejandro Varela discussed his new story collection with Electric Literature.

I can’t say my work rises to the point of political influence—¡Ojalá!—but I’d love for it to contribute to a larger conversation, one that elucidates how capitalism, individualism, and ladder climbing have negative consequences for humans. I hope readers set down my work and are happy to have read it, and feel it was worth their time. I also hope they think, Huh, eliminating the levels and barriers between us is the only remedy to our collective ills. 

Stream a new song by the xx’s Romy.

Eleanor Shearer talked books and reading with Debutiful.

Stream a new Neva Dinova song.

The Los Angeles Times listed essential L.A. books.

Stream a new Angel Olsen song.

Book Riot and Literary Hub recommended the week’s best new books.

Bandcamp Daily recapped winter’s best albums.

Anissa Gray discussed her new novel with Shondaland.

Music is a huge part of this book, and it’s almost like a soundtrack for their lives. The song Deborah is singing when they meet is “Please Mr. Postman.” It’s about a woman who is waiting to hear from the person she loves, and she hasn’t. Her heart is broken. I chose that song for a reason because it foreshadowed what was about to happen between this couple. It’s love and joy, but it’s also heartbreak. I think that sort of encapsulates their story.

Stream a new song by the Lilac Time.

Vol. 1 Brooklyn shared a story from Karin Cecile Davidson’s collection The Geography of First Kisses.

Chris Brokaw talked to PopMatters about the Codeine reunion.

Full Stop interviewed author A. V. Marraccini.

Stream a new song by Girl Ray.

Stream a new song by Juan Wauters.

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