
Shorties (Ruth Madievsky on Her Debut Novel, New Music by Margaret Glaspy, and more)

Daily book & music news & links

Ruth Madievsky discussed her debut novel, All-Night Pharmacy, with The Cut.

It always starts with a voice. I wrote that first line whole cloth, the one that goes, “Spending time with my sister Debbie was like buying acid off a guy you met on the bus,” not knowing who the narrator was, who my sister Debbie was, what city it takes place in, what bus, having never taken acid. But I wrote that line and I was like, Okay, who’s talking? I want to know this person, and I just kind of let her keep going. I keep a notebook with arresting imagery that I hope to include in something, whether it’s a poem or fiction. I would consult that sometimes when I felt like I wasn’t sure where it was going, but I just let it unravel organically.

Madievsky was also interviewed by the Debutiful podcast, Full Stop, Literary Hub, and Electric Literature.

Stream a new song by Margaret Glaspy.

eBooks on sale for $1.99 today:

My Dark Places by James Ellroy
The Woman Destroyed by Simone De Beauvoir

eBook on sale for $2.99 today:

Mischling by Affinity Konar

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The Washington Post compared Drake’s new poetry collection with other musicians’.

Book Riot and Literary Hub recommended the week’s best new books.

Cheekface covered Nick Lowe’s “What’s So Funny ’bout Peace, Love, and Understanding.”

10 writers shared short stories written on a single napkin at Esquire.

Brittney Spears’ memoir The Woman in Me will be published in October.

Vox listed the year’s best new books so far.

Stream a new Courtney Barnett song.

Sarah Rose Etter talked to the Los Angeles Times about her new novel, Ripe.

As for the surreal elements, Etter says they are here to stay. Often they start from visual inspirations. “I get so jealous of visual artists who are slapping something crazy on a canvas,” she said. “If I get stuck, I go to the art museum, and I just start playing with images. With ‘Ripe,’ I was drawn to the pomegranate and the black hole. Once I get through that creative part, you just crack your heart open, and you put it into the book.”

Pitchfork listed the albums of the year so far.

BBC Culture listed the best gothic books of all time.

Stream a new song by Spellling.

The Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction, which celebrates book-length works of imaginative fiction, has announced its 2023 shortlist.

Congratulations to Largehearted Boy contributors Nicola Griffith and Yvette Lisa Ndlovu.

Stream a new song by Rachel Bobbit.

Dwyer Murphy recommended New England noir books at Literary Hub.

Japanese Breakfast and Frankie Cosmos covered Sufjan Stevens’ “Chicago.”

Stream a new song by Allegra Krieger.

Memoir Land shared a new essay by Boo Trundle.

Stream a new song by Fiddlehead.

Tessa Hadley talked books and reading with Literary Hub.

Stream a new song by Maple Glider.

The 7am Novelist interviewed author Alix Ohlin.

Stream a new song by La Force.

Things Worth Knowing with Farrah Storr interviewed author Howard Jacobson.

Stream a new song by Natural Wonder Beauty Concept.

Alice Elliott Dark on writing schedules.

Stream a new song by Forest Swords.

Andrew Lipstein discussed his new novel, The Vegan, with Vulture.

Stream three new songs by Bahamas.

Short Story, Long shared new fiction by Jim Ruland.

Stream a new song by Jlin.

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