
Shorties (An Interview with Jai Chakrabarti, Fever Ray’s Karin Dreijer on bell hooks, and more)

Daily book & music news & links.

Author Playlists

Luiz Schwarcz’s Playlist for His Memoir “The Absent Moon”

“My memoir The Absent Moon intertwines my family’s story with the story of my bipolar disorder and my love for books and music.”


Shorties (An Excerpt from Erica Berry’s New Book, Quasi on the Band’s Discography, and more)

Daily book & music news & links.

Author Playlists

Asale Angel-Ajani’s Playlist for Her Novel “A Country You Can Leave”

“While writing, I often listened to the music that is in the book and shapes certain scenes, but I also imagined the kinds of music these two women would fight about in the car while they drove from town to town looking for a place to call home.”


Shorties (An Interview with V. V. Ganeshananthan, Lisel Profiled, and more)

Daily book & music news & links.

Author Playlists

Erin Keane’s Playlist for Her Memoir “Runaway”

“Music runs throughout these essays, but the songs that became my writing anthems don’t actually appear in the book.”

Author Playlists

Tara Ison’s Playlist for Her Novel “At the Hour Between Dog and Wolf”

“…music is often an inspiration to me as a writer, one more form of research to help slip into the lives of my characters…”

Author Playlists

Colin Winnette’s Playlist for His Novel “Users”

“These are the songs that helped me navigate the braiding of those distinct but implicitly connected threads into the book we’re calling Users.”

Author Playlists

Nic Brown’s Playlist for His Memoir “Bang Bang Crash”

“My memoir Bang Bang Crash is about my life as drummer. Or really it’s about my life after I quit being a drummer. Or both, actually. It’s about both.”

Author Playlists

Nazlı Koca’s Playlist for Her Novel “The Applicant”

“Holding onto texts, sounds, and visual art saved me from sinking in a sea of sublime influences while I wrote The Applicant, which gets its title from a Sylvia Plath poem.”